quinta-feira, outubro 13, 2005

"The Human Condition... Check The Meaning!!!"

Check The Meaning!!!

Guess it's life, doing it's thing
Making you cry, making you think
Yeah life, dealing it's hand
Making you cry and you don't understand
Life, doing it's thing
Making you cry now, making you think of
Pain, doing it's thing
Making you cry yeah, making you sing

It's a beautiful world
And when the city sleeps we go walking
We find a hole in the sky and then we start talking
And then we say "Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
Buy us some time, buy us some time"

It's gonna be alright...

-= Richard Ashcroft =-


At 12:39 da manhã, Blogger EU said...

"Amare autem nihil aliud est, nisi eum ipsum diligere, quem ames, nulla indigentia, nulla utilitate quaesita."

At 11:28 da manhã, Blogger EU said...

tradução ;)
"Amar não é senão dar o coração a quem se ama, sem haver qualquer necessidade ou vantagem."


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