Um polícia manda parar um condutor, dá-lhe os parabéns e diz-
lhe que ele acabou de ganhar 5.000 euros de prémio por ter o cinto de segurança posto.
"O que vai fazer com o dinheiro?" pergunta o polícia todo sorridente.
O homem responde, "Acho que vou finalmente tirar a carta."
Diz a esposa do lugar do pendura: "Não lhe dê ouvidos, Sr. Agente. Ele arma-se sempre em engraçadinho quando está bêbado."
É então que acorda o passageiro do banco de trás, olha alarmado para o polícia e diz: "Eu bem vos disse que não íamos longe neste carro roubado."
Naquele momento abre-se o porta-bagagens, um fulano põe a cabeça de fora e pergunta: "Já poder sair? Já passar a fronteira...?"
-= E-mail enviado por Sofia Pires =-
"All My Life..."
"All My Life..."Said, I promise to never fall in love-with a stranger
You're all I'm thinkin' of, I praise the lord above
For sending me your love, I cherish every hug
I really LOVE YOU
You're all that I ever known When you smile, on my face, all I see is a glow
You turned my life around You picked me up when I was down
For all my life I've prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too
-=K-CI & JOJO=-
"Little By Little..."
"Little By Little..."
True perfection has to be imperfect
I know that that sounds foolish but it's true
The day has come
And now you'll have to accept
The life inside your head we give to you
You know I didn't mean
What I just said
But my God woke up
On the wrong side of his bed
And it just don't matter now
Little by little
We gave you everything
You ever dreamed of
Little by little
The wheels of your life
Have slowly fallen off
Little by little
You had to give it all in all your life
And all the time I just ask myself why
You're really here
Why am I really here?